
2025 Convention Schedule:
anime central
anime blues
sonic neon
portcon maine

BLFC Badge Commissions

This is a commission form for an Animal Crossing styled badge,
with pickup at BLFC 2023! Single character only.
Badges will be printed with premium paper, and laminated with a 5mil thickness. Badge clip is included!Cost for a badge is $100Payments can be made through Paypal or Venmo.


(Printed badges will have a colored background)

Anime Expo 2024 Artist Alley Catalog

Kiiyame @ H18

Fandoms inside catalog include:
Animal Crossing / Baldur's Gate 3 / Bluey / Dungeon Meshi / Earthbound / Final Fantasy VII, XIV, XV / Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates / Garfield / Hamtaro / Helluva Boss / Hololive / Kirby / Madoka Magica / One Piece / Original Designs / Persona & SMT / Pokemon / SGT Frog / Sonic the Hedgehog / Tales of the Abyss, Berseria, Graces, Symphonia, Vesperia / Trigun 1998, Stampede / Twisted Wonderland / Vocaloid / Vshojo / Yoshi

11x17" Prints
Regular $20 each / Foil $25 each
Buy 2 Get 1 Free

5x5" Mini Prints
$5 each / Buy 4 Get 1 Free
Please ask for the full catalog at con!!
Hardly any will be on display!!

Mini Charms
$10 each / 3 for $25 / 7 for $50 / 11 for $75

FFXIV Keychains
$12 each / 3 for $30 / 10 for $100
(10 comes with a bonus exclusive)
Buy all 80 for $475!

Large Keychains
$15 each / 3 for $40

Specialty Keychains
$18 each

Tote Bags
with zipper & interior pocket
$40 each

Sticker Sheets
$10 each / 3 for $25

Washi Tape
$10 each / 3 for $25

Mini Pouches
$10 each / 3 for $25

$5 each / Buy 4 Get 1 Free

Pinback Buttons
$5 each / Buy 4 Get 1 Free

$12 each / 2 for $20

Wooden FF Minion Pins
$12 each / 2 for $20

Plastic Hand Fans
$8 each / 2 for $15



Stamp Rallies & Prizes

Purchase Requirement is per rally.
For multiple stamps/cards rally requirements must be met individually.
Example: Rally A is any purchase, Rally B is $5; Two item purchase is required for 2 stamps.

* Tax is not included in any listed price.